A bold medallion from Temenothyrae
Los 1427
PHRYGIA. Temenothyrae. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Medallion (Orichalcum, 44 mm, 40.77 g, 6 h), Gaius Arruntius Nikomachos Τiberinianus, archiereus and first archon for the second time. Time of Philip I, 244-249. IЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC Bare-headed and draped bust of the Senate to left. Rev. ΑΡΟΥΝ ΝЄΙΚΟΜΑΧΟϹ ΑΡΧΙЄΡƐΥϹ ΑΡΧ Α ΤΟ Β ΤΗΜЄΝΟΘΥΡЄΥϹΙ Herakles advancing left, holding torch (?) in his right hand and club in his left, lion skin draped over his left arm and Eros tying rope around his left leg; to left, column surmounted by statue. BMC 12. RPC VIII online ID 20262 (this coin listed). Rare. A bold and impressive medallion with a highly interesting reverse. Good very fine.

Ex Künker 347, 22 March 2021, 1211 (expertly cleaned since), Naumann E-Auction 79, 7 July 2019, 391 and Naumann E-Auction 76, 7 April 2019, 276.

This impressive medallion from Temenothyrae portrays on its obverse the bust of the holy Roman Senate, and on its reverse, a marvelous depiction of the vigorous Herakles with a torch (?), club, and lion's skin, almost dancing as he approaches a column crowned by a statue. The unnatural posture of the hero is explained by the presence of a small Eros at the lower left, apparently pulling him along with a rope wrapped around his right leg. The significance of the portrayal is unclear; it may involve a local myth beautifully captured by the engraver but unfortunately remains closed to us in its meaning.
250 CHF
2600 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 14-Jul-24, 13:37:30 CEST
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